Weekend of heavy fighting

With the amount of action I've been seeing in the last few weeks, I've started a journal, so I can document the daily trials we all go through in order to take down the Bane. If anyone finds these records, please understand that they are from my point of view, I'm no writer, just a soldier fighting with the AFS.

The last three days were perhaps the most action packed I've seen in this struggle so far. I was paired with a close friend, another receptive by the name of Krys.

Krys and I spent a great deal of time in the Kardash Atta Colony. Those Atta are some of the most frightening creatures I've seen since joining the AFS. A chill runs down my spin every time I think of those bugs. They look like a cross between an earth spider, and an earth ant. With one notable exception, they are massive. At least one and a half times my height. Even under sustained machine gun fire, or using our cryogenic shotguns (Atta have been found to have a weakness for the cold) they take a very long time to kill.

We worked hard and managed to complete all but one objective at the Atta Colony, and the thought of going back was giving me some awful nightmares. I had to get Krys to give me something to help me sleep (Krys has Specialist training, and can use the tools we have to repair our armor and heal us).

The first time we went to the Colony we couldn't find one of the Lightbender infiltrators. I felt we had failed, but Krys assured me that these Bane are hard to find, they use subterfuge to their advantage, and we had been horribly spooked by having to kill so many Atta.

I shudder just thinking about those bugs. I never want to go back, but I know that we must go into a Hive in the near future, over in Torden Incline. This planet seems cursed! I miss the gentle rolling green hills, flowers, and singing birds (or some sort of winged creature) that we saw back on Foreas. I look forward to shipping out to a new planet, I know I won't miss Arieki.


3 comments so far.

  1. Mandalore November 26, 2007 at 6:57 PM
    I haven't run into the Atta,yet. They sound like a real joy (note the sarcasm). I have been deployed primarily on Foreas. I spend a lot of time on Recon trying to keep those nasty Crusties from getting a foothold there. Stay sharp and frostie. I look forward to fighting at your side in the future.

    Mandalore, out...
  2. Anonymous November 28, 2007 at 3:37 PM
    Atta are a thorn in the side of all AFS in the plains and incline regions. Any time spent eradicating them is well spent! Advice for the future.. Extensive time spent in both the colony and hive have led me to the conclusion the very best weapons to use against atta are laser based.. The laser shotgun my personal favorite.

    Keep up the good work.
  3. Anonymous November 28, 2007 at 5:13 PM
    I look forward to pursuing the fight against the Bane with you also Mandalore. Let me know when you ship out to the Plateau!

    Thanks Zyran, I'd tried so many different weapons, next time I'll bring along a Laser Shotgun, actually I think I have one in my footlocker!

Something to say?


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