Light Duty, old missions

Yesterday saw me back on active duty, although it was suggested I do some light work after my recent.. ah.. problems.

I headed back over to Divide. There were some Bane bosses that I'd been asked to take care of a while back, but of course was always pressed for time. I took the time yesterday. I'd say the one that I had the most trouble with was an Ameboid Slime by the name of .. darn I can't remember it. I hate those slime.. seriously bad news. I got a tip as to where I might find him, and spent a while just slaughtering anything that came near. With my recent armor and weapon upgrades I was slicing through the Bane like a hot knife through butter!

Very cathartic spending time reducing the numbers of the enemy. Of course they weren't expecting someone with my experience to be in that area, so they didn't have anything to send that could possibly harm me. It was like shooting fish in a barrel! Pure enjoyment! My life has taken such a strange turn, that my idea of enjoyment is shooting and killing. Once upon a time this would have made my stomach turn. Not anymore.. this war has hardened us all so much.

After I was done and cleared from all my missions in the Divide, I went over to the Palisades. Made short work of what I had left there, and was cleared from all Wilderness mission areas! Quite an achievement.. even though I've been putting it off for months.

The next few hours were spent searching (in vain) for the Red Kraken in the Plains. I figure he'd found himself a pretty good hiding place, as I looked _everywhere_. I asked around and got some tips as to his possible location.. but nothing. Sort of upset that the first time I saw him I wasn't able to beat him. He and I went head to head, and I lost.. but that was a long time ago, and it's time for me to show him what's changed! ;)

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